Baya Gawiy - Early Childhood Learning Unit (ECLU)
Baya Gawiy Early Childhood Learning Unit (ECLU) provides Fitzroy Valley families a safe, trauma informed environment for their children. We provide culturally appropriate learning and care to children 6 months to 4 years old

The ECLU tries to maintain smaller staff; child ratios, so we are able to provide customised education for the individual to support their growth to their full potential.
Our programs are designed to incorporate a “many ways of knowing and doing” philosophy. The programs contain all local Aboriginal language groups ways of knowing and being, respect for country we are on, mainstream early years’ learning framework and the diversity of our community.
Local Seasonal calendars are incorporated in program content to provide connection and natural rhythms of country guiding the flow of our year.
Trauma informed practices: We are dedicated to ending trauma for future generations by providing safe spaces for children to heal to grow with resilience, strength, confidences, grounding, empathy, respect for themselves, family, community, country and life as we know it.

The ECLU Team is made up of local and visiting educators from across Australia. Baya Gawiy provides local educators the opportunity to obtain an early childhood education qualification through Kimberley TAFE.
Local educators also have an important role to enrich our programs that is grounded in the strength of the region’s Indigenous heritage, contemporary cultural practices and the voice of the community.

Baya Gawiy and Goodstart partnership started in 2016. This was established under the National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Early Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Early Childhood Development.
The partnership created a short term Secondment Program which enables educators from Goodstart early learning centres around Australia to be a part of the Baya Gawiy ECLU Team.
This is fantastic for so many reasons!
- It Incorporates two-way learning
- It contributes to our Reconciliation Journey
- It honours diversity in our cultural differences as it is part of the fabric of Australian life
- It benefits our children to access and participation in high quality early learning
- It contributes the learning of children and families in Goodstart centres and beyond