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Early Childhood FASD Resource 2024 | |
Strategic Plan2022-2027 (PDF 12MB) |
Marroorryawarrani Ngambirriyawarrani YoowarniaMARNINWARNTIKURA HEALING FRAMEWORK(PDF 5.46MB) |
"One hundred frogs hopping into hearts across the nation"Have a listen to this great story at Baya Gawiy. |
Jarrampa and Purlka ngamaji KakajiThe Baya Gawiy Language Culture and Wellbeing team have been preparing their stories through our "Many Stories Project". Children's books written by Marshia Cook and Emma Bear, 'Jarrampa' and 'Purlka ngamaji Kakaji' (Big Fat Mummy Goanna) were developed in workshops with children, families and Elders throughout 2019, along with ILF Lifetime Ambassador Alison Lester and publisher Jane Godwin. The two books are published in Walmajarri and English and have been gifted to the community to be read and loved for years to come. |
FASD and complex trauma - A resource for educators - 2nd editionThe Marulu Team have been developing resources to increase knowledge of FASD and Complex trauma . Late last year we launched the book Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)and complex trauma: A resource for educators and have been thrilled with the encouraging responses. We presented at the Australasian FASD Conference in Perth and were surprised with how many people very particularly impressed that the expanded edition contains a chapter on the effects of historic trauma and how FASD and trauma are so interconnected. In 2019 we are working to grow knowledge in our community about how trauma impacts us all and how we can support each other to understand and respond to complex challenges. (PDF 7.4MB). |
Jane Pedersen is a former MWRC staff member and Churchill Fellow. Jane recently set out across North America to explore what it means to break cycles of intergenerational trauma. Her investigation was propelled into action by her work at Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre. Read the blogs from her travels to get snapshots into the thinking that informed the final report. |