Garden to Plate
The “Garden-To-Plate” project provides the children, Educators, and families at Baya Gawiy Buga Yani Jandu yani u programs access to a kitchen garden program for early childhood.
This initiative follows on from the Gardenscape project, a whole-property investment undertaken to revitalise landscape design and beautify the natural outdoor environment and intersects with our other healing strategies for our community; the living curriculum, crafting, music (project) and movement, many stories project, environmental sustainability and more.
The objectives of this project:
- Introduce children to play-based, hands-on experiences that promotes a whole-service approach to teaching children and adults about fresh, seasonal, delicious food.
- Actively seek opportunities to incorporate cultural elements and knowledge, through the harvesting and use of traditional foods and medicines
- Promote healthy eating and living
- Sue Thomas