Marnin Studio is back for 2019!

Marnin Studio is back for 2019, after a few weeks break over Christmas and New Year. The Studio has welcomed some new artists to the Studio who are already showing some exceptional talent. Our regular artists were also very keen to get busy with their hands again and we have seen some beautiful new creations emerging including some stunning wall-hangings and the very popular Bush Tinsel that sold out over Christmas.
The hot, dry weather hasn't stopped us from getting out on country for some inspiration by the river. We had a lovely fire-cooked feast, fished and swam in the river. We also hosted the Diabetes Educator on the trip where she was able to share some great tips on what to eat and what to avoid to keep the blood sugar levels in check.
The Studio is a relaxing and welcoming space for women to come and create and chat over a cuppa. All are welcome.
- Marnin Support