Marninwarntikura Women's Resource Centre - Women · Building · Belonging

Jolene Gordon- Marulu Family Support Worker Returns to the Marulu Team

Jolene Gordon- Marulu Family Support Worker Returns to the Marulu Team
Hi, My name is Jolene Gordon I am a local Gooniyandi and Walmajarri woman from Bayulu Community, Fitzroy Crossing. I have recently returned as a Marulu Family Support worker at at Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre with The Marulu team. Since I left back in 2015 I’ve seen a massive change. The work that’s been done since the Lililwan Study has made a huge impact within the Valley and to be apart of the Bigiswun study is very exciting. There has been an increase in understanding around FASD as well as trauma and how it affects how the brain functions. Most importantly I have seen how the partnerships between Royal Far West, Sydney University, local organisations and schools have come together to be involved in supporting vulnerable families. I hope to continue contributing to 'Making FASD History' and to give our families the ongoing support and assistance that they require.

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  • Sue Thomas